We complain, we shout, we moan, we cry of not having enough thousands, enough millions enough cars, enough houses, enough dogs and cats etc. Have you ever realised that there are plenty of other people who don’t even have what you have.
I visited a friend in Pondoland in the old Transkei, who is a principal at a school. In our conversation she told me of how poor the people are and how they are dependent of the grandparents’ government handout of about R 800 to support up to 10 or more children and grandchildren. At times having no meal to eat, no television, no radio, no electricity and a long drop toilet makes me think that we complain too much.
We also say that we have it bad, things are not good. For example we can complain that the price of streetwise 2 has gone up whereas there are people who don’t even know what street wise 2 is. There are people who battle to sleep at night because the roof is leaking, the blankets are not enough and a balanced meal for them is eating plain brown bread without any butter.
We therefore should be happy and thankful for what we have, we are always better off than others. Many people would love to have the life you are complaining about.
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