Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Conventional is a good fallback position isn’t it?

Living a conventional lifestyle means to abide to laws and follow certain procedures and abide to structures... a way of living that is on the safe side of life, but what one needs to ask why be conventional?

Conventional is a term that strikes me as boring, lame, safe but most importantly uncreative!
In fact, being conventional is merely conforming to socially accepted customs of behaviour or style, especially when it comes to lacking imagination.

It’s a word that I feel society invented to give people a sense of purpose on earth and not truly discovering who they truly are because... ‘You can just be seen as ordinary, simple and conventional’. It’s safe and no one would ever think lesser of higher of you.
Having comfort zones and being too comfortable with the status quo is not good. One needs to mix their conventional norms to modern trends and expectations without bending their morals in order to be successful in life.
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