Monday, August 15, 2011

What will my baby look like....

I often sit and wonder what my baby will look like one day. The excitement and feeling of being a father one day is so overwhelming and makes one naive and inquisitive.
I became excited when I came across a website called make-my and several others that claim that they are able to predict what your baby will look like by merging your picture and your partners online on their website.  (Combine two pics of you and your significant other to see what your kid will look like! )

With excitement I quickly uploaded a picture of my partner and myself. OOOOHHH NOOOO!!!! :-(
The results were scary!!! LOL!!! Well the moral of the story is I need to be patient and wait till my partner eats ‘baking powder’ and eventually pops after 9 months. Really now, was I so stupid….. Please see the results from the website below.

I'm reading: What will my baby look like....Tweet this!

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