Sunday, July 24, 2011

Let’s clean Cape Townships!

Buyelwa Sonjica, the Minister of Water and Environmental launched a cleaning and greening pilot project in Mthatha, Eastern Cape on Thursday, 29 October 2009.
The project is modelled on sustainability and will amongst others focus on cleaning, greening, waste management and river rehabilitation. The Eco Town programme has risen from the commitment made by Minister Sonjica at the Municipal Indaba on Environment held in 2009, to create cleaner and greener towns.
The cleaner townships campaign is aimed at cleaning and greening of the environment while creating employment opportunities and also supporting municipalities local economic development programmes.
I have thus far not seen the impact of this project in the Western Cape. Cape Town attracts thousands if not  millions of tourists each year and they continually visit eye-sore townships which have rubbish lying around and sewerage oozing all over the roads. It doesn’t take a lot of money for people to come together and clean our streets. As South Africans we need to take ownership of our society and not wait on the government to clean up after us!
I challenge all Capetonians to join me in starting an organisation that will work closely with Cape Townships in assisting them to be more eco friendly and teaching people to be more conscious of keeping their surroundings cleaner.
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