Monday, June 13, 2011

1 out 4 women in SA is a victim of domestic violence.....

 The Department of Justice estimates that one out of every four South African women is a survivor of domestic violence. According to People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA) one in every six women who die in Gauteng is killed by an intimate partner. A survey conducted during 1999 revealed that 42.5% of women had experienced all forms of abuse and 60% of all cases of abuse were committed by partners, lovers or spouses.

A victim of abuse needs to take action in order to prevent further and repeated abuse and, most importantly, to mobilise the law to protect them before it is too late. The Domestic Violence Act and the relevant organs of State cannot assist a victim until that victim speaks out.
After being beaten up during the weekend and the partner being arrested, most women retract the cases on Monday mornings because they don’t want their partners to go to jail. This becomes a cycle until the women becomes tired of the abuse and ends up killing the man or herself. As neighbours and friends we sometimes allow domestic violence to continue by saying it is not my business, it is between two people who love each other. We have become so use to domestic violence that when the weekend comes people expect it as a norm and do not react to it. This is a scary reality, the question is should we allow this sickness to continue?
I'm reading: 1 out 4 women in SA is a victim of domestic violence.....Tweet this!

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