Monday, June 13, 2011

Birth control for 12 year olds

The South African governments move on preventing teenage pregnancy by allowing 12 year olds to freely have access to birth control tablets without the supervision and involvement of the parent is a complete no, no!
The law is allowing for the dispensing of the oral contraception, as well as the procurement of abortion for girls 12 years of age. The Sunday Times printed May 22, 2011 published that a survey revealed 110 000 teenage pregnancies attended to at three government hospitals in Johannesburg. It is reported that 6000 of the above mentioned abortions were of children who are 10 years old.
Ten year old kids’ falling pregnant is a phenomenon that is very distressing, because these young kids are robbed of their childhood. The contraceptive pills do not protect children against STI’s and HIV. Contraceptives are actually not good for young girls because they interfere with fertility cells in the cervix, which decreases the fertility in later years and increase the risk of cervical cancer.
The secret use of these pills by children without the consent of parents causes distrust and secrecy between parents and children. It is not a surprise that many children do not cope in school and causes psychological problems.
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