Monday, May 2, 2011

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

Lying to yourself is a dangerous and malicious disease. I often wonder what goes through the mind of a person who lives a life of fabricated lies and continuously thrives on spreading malicious rumours. I wonder what a person goes through when they lie to gain the attention of people and cause wedge between family members.
There are people who have a lying problem that is so bad they believe their own lies and lies about lying. I mean down to the smallest lie. An example of this is when a person tells you the same story at different times, but each time there is a new version of the story.
Pathological liars scare me because they lie incessantly to get their way and do so with little concern for others.  Some pathological liars, lie because they want to get one's way. Pathological liars have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others.
Being infected by a habitual lying behaviour is sad, because it is nothing but a poor idea of lying to yourself. It destroys relationships between people and yourself and causes people not to trust a person with that behaviour.
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  1. It is so true, lying is just not a good idea especially to yourself.

  2. In whatever situation lying always spoils the fun.

  3. Lying is used as a tool to convince ourselves...
