“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea”. There is a lot of truth in this statement, because many people think their ideas are the best and only solution available.
Good Ideas and concepts require of contemplating and reasoning. Ones idea/s is what sets them apart from others. Almost every machine that exists in our world today is derived from man made ideas. Cars, airplanes, buildings and computers are all the outcomes of ideas.
Ideas can be dangerous, for example Hitler thought his idea of killing all the Jews and creating a ‘superior’ type of race in Germany. Due to this idea unfortunately millions were killed in World War II. There are also other historical tyrants who ran their countries with one idea in mind, which has led to many disasters in Africa. The Hitler story in Germany is a prime example of how one idea becomes dangerous.
Ideas are great things to have, because good things come from good ideas, but when there’s one idea and nothing to counter it, that’s when it becomes dangerous.
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