Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The last lecture

Apple’s boss Steve Jobs died in October 2011 after a long illness .
 Jobs’ lecture in 2005 at Stanford is one of the most inspiring lectures to be remembered by in his life. It is thought provoking but inspiring advice about creativity, mortality, and finding purpose in life.

 "He tells three very candid, uncharacteristically Steve Jobs stories about life, love and death from a guy who's biological mother wasn't able to parent him, was booted from the company he created and battles cancer. Anyone stuck in a miserable job — or anyone trying to figure out what to do with their life.

In his speech Jobs tells the students, "you have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever." The dots you encounter in life, he said, will eventually connect. "Believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leaves you off the well-worn path. And that will make all the difference."

 http://youtu.be/D1R-jKKp3NA I'm reading: The last lectureTweet this!

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